Limitless Scalability
Bitcoin SV is highly parallelized for commercial infrastructure demands.
“The existing Visa credit card network processes about 15 million Internet purchases per day worldwide. Bitcoin can already scale much larger than that with existing hardware for a fraction of the cost. It never really hits a scale ceiling.”
– Satoshi Nakamoto (April 2009)
Delivering capacity increases through scalable architecture and miner configurable block sizes. Bitcoin SV is highly parallelised to meet commercial infrastructure demands. It delivers ever increasing capacity through scalable architecture, performance improvements and miner configurable block sizes and this capacity must be capable of processing all the world’s data, as securely and efficiently as possible.
By enabling massive scaling, Bitcoin SV paves the way for the Bitcoin SV blockchain to support significantly higher transaction volumes and more transaction fees for miners, replacing the ever falling block rewards.
Massive scaling is also key for enterprises and their blockchain applications – which will require big blocks and large throughput capacity.
Teranode, the multi-threaded implementation of the Bitcoin Protocol was released in 2021 and is actively being tested