Green Technology

A new world of ecologically sustainable distributed data.

We all share just one planet. Our Earth must nurture and sustain 7.8 billion people. The ecological impact of this growth can no longer be ignored, so the decisions we make today will echo into the future. Kryder’s Law states that global data doubles on average every 13 months. This data is replicated across Content Delivery Networks in a globally available mesh of disparate services across domain zones all over the globe, in what has proven to be disastrously inefficient.

This ad-revenue internet system of popups and banner ads means that free services are rarely, if ever, free. Each search engine request costs on average about 0.7 cents per result, consuming 0.0003kWh of energy, generating 0.2g of Carbon Dioxide, each and every time. However, Bitcoin is a tightly connected, highly efficient small-world network. Microservices at the edges of Bitcoin’s network forms a special data distribution of information known as a Mandala.

Paired with Bitcoin’s binary tree data referencing system, this Mandala is the ultimate efficient data distribution system. Network nodes need not each hold full copies of that data, just the very small digest that proves its provenance. Proof-of-Work is a function of Bitcoin that requires no additional resources as the data contained within the network grows, making BSV the most efficient way to store, recover and fetch data globally.